Monday, June 18, 2012

has it been too long?

ok, I know that no one is really "following" this blog but I will continue to post once a year at least...

so much has happened! i've got hobbies! so many many hobbies. i have, infact, started to knit. and i think i'm pretty good at it. i can do SWEATERS. so that seems amazing to me. i also sew and have managed to so far create a simple dress for myself and am halfway through a skirt. i've also made quite a few pinafores for friends' and family's children. my fantastic husband bought me an amazing dressmaker's mannequin for valentine's day this year and i love to look at it even though i don't quite know how to go about using it yet. But I WILL LEARN.

my other big thing? RUNNING. i started to run in the fall and had a small goal to run a 5k race. it was such a struggle and so much training and looking back on it i just want to laugh. 'cause yesterday i ran a half marathon! i know, i can't believe it either...running is such a strange obsession of mine. i hate it a little bit. but mostly it's amazing. not only does it make me feel almost god-like, it's also good for the figure. before the half, i bought some shiny, brand new, tight as all heck, compression pants. and i only felt a little bit insecure wearing them in public. not bad.

my husband has recently purchased and then traded for another moped. so i'm helping him fix it, sort of. so far i know how to clean a carb, sand some brakes, and put a tire back on. it's dirty dirty work. it's fun/terrifying to ride.

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